Men's Weekend #275
Orchard Hill Reformed
1465 3 Mile Rd NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49544
February 27 - March 2, 2025Theme: Astonished by Jesus
Scripture: Mark 5:19-20
Theme Song: How Great is Our God Worship Song: I Stand in Awe of YouRector: Jim Roede
Co-Rector: Robin Dana
Head Coordinator: Richard BradshawCome and Support the Men of #275!
Setup: Wednesday, 2/26, 5:30 pm
Holy Hour: Friday, 2/28, 7:30 pm
Rector/Rectoress Serenade:
Saturday, 3/1, 7:30 pm
Church Service: Sunday, 3/2, 10am Serenade/Closing: Sunday, 3/2, 4pm (Serenade) 4:30 pm (Closing) -
Women's Weekend #276
Bauer CRC
4958 Bauer Rd
Hudsonville, MI 49426
March 20-23, 2025Theme: Who Am I? I Am His
Scripture(s): 2 Samuel 7:18, Isaiah 43:1
Theme Song: Because He Lives
Fight Song: Thank You Jesus (For the Blood)
Rectoress: Chelsie Jensen
Co-Rectoress: Sheila Hovingh
Head Coordinator: Jill HallCome and Support the Women of #276!
Setup: Wednesday, 3/19, 6 pm
Holy Hour: Friday, 3/21, 7:30 pm
Rector/Rectoress Serenade:
Saturday, 3/22, 7:30 pm
Church Service: Sunday, 3/23, 9:30 am
Serenade/Closing: Sunday, 3/23, 4 pm (Serenade) 4:30 pm (Closing) -
Sunday, April 27, 5-7pm
St Luke’s Lutheran Church
3215 4 Mile Road NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49525
A time to meet for worship through singing and testimonies from weekends #275 and #276
5-6pm Potluck for the entire community. Bring a dish to pass, dinnerware, and beverage
6-7pm Worship and testimonies
Immediate family & kids are welcome
Please wear your cross, name-tag, and bring your songbook.
Musicians: Bring your instruments (including vocalists) if you would like to help lead our time of singing!