Apply here!

  • For Candidates

    Ready to start your DeColores journey?

    Fill out your application by clicking the button below.

    NOTE: You must have a sponsor in order to attend a DeColores weekend. If you do not have a sponsor, speak to someone you know who has previously attended a weekend or contact one of our Board Members before filling out an application.

  • For Sponsors

    Ready to sponsor a Candidate?

    Be sure you fully understand your responsibilities as sponsor (outlined above).

    Direct your candidate to this page to fill out their application. You must also fill out a recommendation form by clicking the button below. If you prefer to print a paper application and recommendation form, Click Here.

    Want to pay your sponsorship donation via PayPal? Click here (no PayPal account required).
    Please select “Sponsoring a Candidate” for your donation option.

Sponsor Info

Many new crusistas desire to share the DeColores experience with others, but how do they do that? How does one go about “sponsoring” a candidate?  Here’s what you need to know.

To sponsor a candidate for a DeColores Weekend, you must have them fill out the Candidate’s Application. You as the sponsor must fill out the Sponsor’s Recommendation. These forms may be filled out online or by mailing us a paper application (see options below).

    • Make sure your candidate is ready for the Weekend and committed to attending, starting Thursday night and ending Sunday evening.

    • Help your candidate send in their application. Once their application has been received, an invitation will be sent to them by the Pre-DeColores board member. Please make sure your candidate is aware that they need to RSVP. The contact information for the RSVP is on their invitation.

    • DeColores is a non-profit organization and is operated solely on donations. The suggested donation to cover the cost of each candidate is $100 from the sponsor. The donation for the candidate can either be mailed with the application or submitted online through our PayPal portal. If submitting via PayPal, please select the “Sponsoring a Candidate” option for your donation. When your candidate is selected, he or she will receive an invitation and you will receive notice of your candidate’s invitation.

    • If your candidate has any special dietary requirements, make sure they are listed on the application. Part of your palanca to your candidate is bringing in whatever special food items your candidate needs during the Weekend.

    • Help take care of any personal concerns that would stop your candidate from attending the weekend. For example, you may volunteer to watch their children during the Weekend.

    • At the start of the Weekend on Thursday evening, drive your candidate to the facility. For the sake of the team getting ready, please do not arrive any earlier than the check-in time, which is listed on their invitation (usually 6:30pm).

    • When you drop them off Thursday night, stay to have some cookies with your candidate! Even if you are the opposite sex of your candidate, you are more than welcome to mingle in the fellowship area. Your presence will help ease your candidate into the Weekend. And plan to attend the sponsor’s chapel, which is usually at 8pm Thursday night.

    • It’s also very important to attend Holy Hour Friday night, the church service Sunday morning, and the Serenade and Closing Sunday night.

    • Above all, pray for your candidate! Of all the palanca you give them, this is by far the most significant.

    • Be prepared to drive your candidate home and spend some time talking about the weekend with him or her.

    • Printable checklist

    • Printable Sponsor’s Responsibilities list

Got questions? Contact our Pre-DeColores Board Members.