November 2022

This photo was taken in Peru from the perspective of standing on top of a mountain and looking down at the winding path through the darkest of valleys. I can remember all of us standing upon this mountain and being so in awe of God's greatness in creation that we could do nothing more than praise God! We sang the song, "Great are you God." The words... "And all the earth will shout Your praise. Our hearts will cry, these bones will sing, "Great are You, Lord!" Little did we know that shortly after this trip Aaron and I would be descending the mountain and walking through this darkest of valley by way of Covid and Cancer. Oh, how this praise has had to be ever on our lips and engraved on our hearts. God knew what we would face and He promised that even in the darkest of valleys he would never leave us. He would be the shepherd that walked us through!

I find it curious that in our way of explaining things, we talk often of the "Mountain top" experience as being a high one of the faith; a time of being in such close fellowship with Jesus that you feel as if you were on top of a mountain. And yet, a mountain can also refer to something in our lives that is an obstacle, a disease, an illness, an area of fear, or a seemingly impossible feat. Something that we think is simply too much to bear. I believe that it is by no mistake that the darkest of valleys can only get that dark when they are hedged in or surrounded by mountains. God brings us to the top of the mountain to give us perspective of the things only He can do and He brings us through the mountains by way of the darkest valley to give us perspective that He will never leave us. The verse states, "I will fear no evil for you are with me." It is the constant presence of Jesus that makes the darkest valley bearable and the promise is in the fact that this is a "going through" not an ultimate destination or dwelling place.

I love what Spurgeon says, "Death in its substance has been removed, and only the shadow of it remains." We face only the shadow of death because Jesus took the full reality of death in our place on the cross.

Thank you Jesus, we trust in you and thank you for being our Shepherd!

As Aaron and I come to an end of our 3 year service on the DeColores board, we want to thank each of you for being a part of this beautiful ministry! It has been a pleasure to serve! See you soon on a weekend!

Aaron and Wendy Bronkema

Upcoming Events

We've started preparations for the Spring DeColores Weekends! These life-changing events are only a few months away so mark you calendars and start praying about people you may want to sponsor.

Please hold these men and women up in prayer as they gather their teams and prepare their hearts to be used by the Holy Spirit!

Men's Weekend #267

Fifth Reformed Church
2012 Griggs St SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506

March 23 - 26, 2023

Rector: Craig Hancock
Co-Rector: Aaron Bronkema
Head Coordinator: AJ DeLange

Women's Weekend #268

Location: TBD

April 13 - 16, 2023

Rectoress: Susan Mozley
Co-Rectoress: Jenn Hawkins
Head Coordinator: Kate Diepholz

How To Help

If you know of a church who would be willing to host a DeColores weekend, please contact Scott & Jill Hall at

Spiritual Directors
If you know of a pastor who may be interested in serving as spiritual director on a DeColores weekend, please forward their information to the DeColores board spiritual advisor.

Rectors and Rectoresses
If you know someone who would make a great rector or rectoress, and they meet the qualifications, please submit their name to the DeColores president couple prior to approaching them about being nominated.

Get Involved
If you are interested in participating in an inside or outside team position, don’t wait! Add your name to the list now by filling out the volunteer form on the following website.

Links you should know...

Volunteer Form: If you are interested in working future weekends, click on the link and add your name and contact information to the list. Future rectors and rectoresses will use this list as they select their team.

Facebook Page: Sign up for the DeColores of Grand Rapids Facebook Page. This page is for people who have been on a Decolores of Grand Rapids sponsored weekend and would like to stay connected with the community.


March, 2024


October 2022